Faculty Positions at Singapore Bible College
Singapore Bible College announces the following faculty positions.
The School of Theology (English) invites applications for teaching positions in the Theology and New Testament Departments beginning January 2009.
Theology Department
The successful candidate is expected to teach graduate level courses in Systematic Theology and also in Historical and Contemporary Theology which we hope to develop in the near future.
The applicant should possess a PhD or ThD in Theological Studies, ability as an effective teacher and communicator, spiritual maturity, and proven Christian character.
New Testament Department
The successful candidate is expected to teach graduate level courses in Hermeneutics, Greek grammar and exegesis, as well as courses in any part of the New Testament.
The applicant should possess a PhD or ThD in New Testament or Bible Exposition with a NT emphasis, ability as an effective teacher and communicator, spiritual maturity, and proven Christian character.
In addition, applicants must have a willingness to work as a team player, enjoy and promote collegiality amongst co-workers, be involved in mentorship relationships with students, and contribute to theological education’s goal of training effective, theologically-minded leaders for ministry in the 21st century.
Finally, applicants should also have a commitment to ministry evidenced by at least three years of pastoral, teaching, or missionary/para-church experience preferably in a cross-cultural setting.
Resumes may be sent to
Theology Department
The successful candidate is expected to teach graduate level courses in Systematic Theology and also in Historical and Contemporary Theology which we hope to develop in the near future.
The applicant should possess a PhD or ThD in Theological Studies, ability as an effective teacher and communicator, spiritual maturity, and proven Christian character.
New Testament Department
The successful candidate is expected to teach graduate level courses in Hermeneutics, Greek grammar and exegesis, as well as courses in any part of the New Testament.
The applicant should possess a PhD or ThD in New Testament or Bible Exposition with a NT emphasis, ability as an effective teacher and communicator, spiritual maturity, and proven Christian character.
In addition, applicants must have a willingness to work as a team player, enjoy and promote collegiality amongst co-workers, be involved in mentorship relationships with students, and contribute to theological education’s goal of training effective, theologically-minded leaders for ministry in the 21st century.
Finally, applicants should also have a commitment to ministry evidenced by at least three years of pastoral, teaching, or missionary/para-church experience preferably in a cross-cultural setting.
Resumes may be sent to
Dr. Calvin Chong,
Academic Dean,
School of Theology (English)
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Singapore Bible College is an independent and interdenominational theological institution with over 500 students representing over 20 countries. The school is accredited by the Asia Theological Association.
Singapore Bible College is an independent and interdenominational theological institution with over 500 students representing over 20 countries. The school is accredited by the Asia Theological Association.
SBC is a lot nearer to Malaysia ... tempted to apply? :-)
Haha...get thee behind me!
It can be worse if I am behind you - I can push you~!
Well, Paul, that may not be an bad idea after all!!
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