Sunday 20 April 2008

BibleWorks Tip #15: Command Line Search Tips

Another tip on using BibleWorks has been recently released - The Command Line Search Tip

The Command Line is the primary BibleWorks search tool. It provides powerful search capabilities, is easy to use for most searches, and is easy to access for a quick search. While other tools such as the Graphical Search Engine provide some search capabilities that the Command Line cannot perform, the Command Line is capable of handling most search needs.

In this Classroom Tip we will investigate some of the lesser-known search capabilities of the Command Line for searching on Greek and Hebrew, especially in the morphologically-tagged texts. Two powerful tools for searching on the Command Line are wildcards and range operators.

Continue reading the tip here.


pearlie said...

Someone just said to me that BibleWorks7 for Dummies should be written and you should have a shot at it!

BTW, have you tried Logos yet and it is as powerful if not more powerful than BW but more user-friendly?

Kar Yong said...

Hi Pearlie,

Nope, I have not tried the new Logos - waiting for a review copy...


So I am unable to comment whether it is more powerful than BW.