Wednesday 16 April 2008

What is the New Testament?

Tony Siew, Trinity Theological College's recently recruited NT Lecturer, asks a very basic and yet very difficult question: What is the New Testament?

Challenging all of us to respond in 15 words, I have yet to come out with a satisfactory answer. So what is the New Testament? Any takers?


Lee Chee Keat said...

Huh....juz wonder how profound can it be?? NT is an authoratative literature about God's continuation salvation plan to the fallen humankind through Messiah. Howz that??

SATheologies said...

I tried my luck at Tony's site. Dont know whether is it acceptable or not.

In my unworthy 2-cents attempt, I tried to emphasize its edifying character, the difficulty of understanding the ancient text, the salvation message within it, and the relevance of it for our contemporary times.

SATheologies said...

ohh ya.. that's why one might feel that I describe the NT to be a difficult to understand yet very important and indispensable text.

SATheologies said...

Hi Chee Keat,

an authoritative literature about God's continuation salvation plan to the fallen humankind through Messiah

I applaud you for giving emphasis on NT's gospel message.

Then one would ask how about the difficult interpretation task in discerning the text (eg. covering of women's head, ordination of female pastors etc).

Steven Sim said...

What is the NT?

Second half of my Bible - the official record of God's drama of history


Alex Tang said...

The fourth act in N.T. Wright's image of a five acts play

pearlie said...

What is the NT in just 15:
God’s final word on justice and love for our salvation and reconciliation. The only way.

Kar Yong said...

Thanks, folks, for all the response. Sorry for the delay in responding to your comments. Will do so in a couple of days. A bit brain dead now....