Tuesday 15 January 2008

Swiss Vacation Highlight #3 - Luther's NT dated 1523


Sometimes, it pays to do some window shopping, and one can be amazed at what can be discovered.

While walking along the streets in Bern, I came across something very interesting being displayed in a used bookstore selling rare books.

Martin Luther's New Testament, dated 1523!

Of course, I did not dare asking how much it was for sale. Note that no price was displayed, compared to other books next to it. If the price of the books next to Luther's NT is any indication, one can only imagine how much this rare NT is going to be. Obviously, I could not possibly afford it. I think CBD's (Christian Book Distributors) academic closeout remains affordable for me where I could get 10 great books for US$57.00 (made even cheaper with the strengthening of the Ringgit against the Greenback)!

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