W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem 2010-2011 Fellowships
The Albright Institute of Archaeological Research invites fellowship applications at the doctoral, post-doctoral, and senior levels in religious studies, archaeology, anthropology, art history, Bible, epigraphy, history, language, literature, philology or related disciplines from pre-history through the early Islamic period in Near Eastern Studies.
Awards include room and half-board at the newly renovated Albright Institute, located near the Old City of Jerusalem. Living accommodations include a served dinner, self-service breakfast, and a garden area for tea and coffee. The research library contains more than 32,000 volumes, over 450 journal titles, map and artifact collections. Extensive computer facilities available in library; rooms are wired for internet access.
Research period should be continuous and residence at the Albright is required.
Annual Professorship $15,000 for 4.5 months. Deadline 10/1/09
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellowships Grants ranging 12 to 4 months, $50,400 to $16,800. Deadline 10/1/09
Ernest S. Frerichs Fellow and Program Coordinator $24,000 for 9 months. Deadline 10/1/09
Samuel H. Kress Fellowship $22,500-per-year for two-year grant. Apply directly to www.kressfoundation.org. Deadline 11/30/09
George A. Barton Fellowship $5,000 for 2 months. Deadline 10/1/09
Carol and Eric Meyers Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship $5,000 for 2 months. Deadline 10/1/09
Educational and Cultural Affairs Fellowships (ECA) Grants ranging 9 to 4.5 months, $20,000 to $10,000. Deadline 10/1/09
Associate Fellowships 13 administrative fee awards for senior & junior fellows (for one or two semesters). No deadline
Glassman Holland Research Fellowship $12,000 for 3 months. Deadline 3/15/10
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowships 3 awards of $11,500 each for 3 months. Deadline 3/15/10
W.F. Albright Associate Fellowships No stipend. Admin. fee required. No deadline
Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) Multi-Country Research Fellowships 10 fellowships up to $9,000 ea. Apply to www.caorc.org. Deadline 1/1/10
Getty Research Exchange Fellowship Program for the Mediterranean Basin and Middle East Stipend $3,000/month plus $1,000 travel expenses. Deadline 2/15/10
ACLS Recent Doctoral Recipients Fellowships $30,000 for 10 months. For application: www.acls.org. Deadline 12/1/09
For complete information, visit the Albright's website at: www.aiar.org
Or contact:
Dr. Joan R. Branham Chair,
AIAR Fellowships and AIAR Vice President
Email: jbranham@providence.edu
Awards subject to availability of funds. AIAR does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or disability.
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